about NOrmark Meat ApS

​Normark Meat ApS is a smaller-sized food industry business with about 20 employees.

We have moved beyond our original focus on smoked products such as bacon, ham and smoked saddle of pork. Today we also offer spiced and marinated meat products.

Our smoked products still account for the lion’s share sales, but we will in future be able to supply many more products that are not smoked.

Healthier meat without dangerous additives

All our employees have a thorough knowledge of the industry, so we are familiar with many of the challenges our customers face. This also enables us to guide you in new directions. On the other hand, we gladly accept any challenge and can adjust our selection as required by our customers. For example, we launched a smoked saddle of pork with no e-numbers, nitrites or preservatives as the result of a specific customer request. All Normark Meat ApS products are allergen-free.

At a time when consumers are demanding healthier foods, we have become specialists in a meat-smoking technique that is in keeping with good old-fashioned smoked food traditions while also living up to modern-day food industry requirements with regard to uniform quality. In addition, this process removes unhealthy components such as tar. ​

An eco-friendly factory

Our environmental focus covers more than meat production methods. It most certainly also applies to our factory and production hall, where factory heat is recycled to heat up the water used for cleaning. In addition, our production facility is lit with LED lamps in order to limit our energy consumption and spare the environment. And the smoke we use to manufacture our products is CO2 neutral. All our heat is obtained through the use of natural gas and all electricity comes exclusively from wind turbines.

Fast, flexible deliveries

We strive for fast and flexible delivery times for our products – and if the need arises, we can deliver an urgent morning order in the afternoon of the same day.

Contact us by phone at +45 97 18 40 41 or email us at info@normarkmeat.dk to place an order or learn more. With us, it’s only a short distance from idea to action – or from order to delivery.

customers & values 

Reflection and action are closely linked at Normark Food  

- also between order and delivery


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